22 July 2024

No Sympathy For Potato Joe

 I have no sympathy for Potato Joe, who's always been an asshole, and the situation he's put himself into.

Potato Joe stole the election to add the crowning achievement of President to his legacy, but it now seems that his legacy will be one of abject failure, ridicule, and mental decline.   I don't blame Potato Joe for the mental decline, because it gets us all in the end.   I blame "doctor" Jill and the sleazy son for encouraging that Potato Joe run for President, despite knowing he was too far gone by that time.

Just look at Potato Joe's closest family.   No-good kids, scheming "doctor" wife, grifting brothers, and deadson Beau, who I doubt was as angelic as Potato Joe says, given the messes that are Ashley and Hunter.   I can imagine Potato Joe's thinking, in the early 1970s when he was first elected, that he was going to use this position to fill the family coffers.

And, lastly, what "kind, caring, grandparently" type of people, Potato Joe and "doctor" Jill, deny the very existence of a little girl, Navy Joan.   That little girl didn't just dodge a bullet with Potato Joe's disavowal, she dodged a cannonball.

I think the situation Potato Joe put himself into is funny, and I don't care to pretend otherwise.

We could have had stability for the last four years, but nooo, Mister Potatohead had to butt in.

Insert obligatory yankee woman here...

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